
La La La, Lizette's World!



07-20-2014, 01:31 AM
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Fish fish fish! Fish were everywhere! Salamander could be seen running back and forth between the small streams stretching from the larger rivers, running and jumping, pouncing and sliding. When he would fall and bust his shit, the boy would stand back up and continue on, the excitement coursing through his body blocking out the pain. A strange boy he was.

"Hey, come back fishy! I wanna catch yoooooooou!" He barked happily, tail wagging like mad so hard his butt was even moving with the swings. Large paw smacked the water's surface, missing the target horribly, then again, fishing wasn't his thing and he was only trying to catch one to play with. HE charged at a particular fish, jaws wide and tongue lolling out the side, steps clumsy. So careless he was, Sal would trip over a rock, his body suddenly being thrown into the shallow water with a yelp.

Just as quickly he slammed face first into the water, the boy was already sitting back up, paws on his snout and whimpering. "Ow ow ow, my nose." He grumbled a few incoherent words under his breath, glaring at the fish that swam right past him as if mocking the male. 'What're you looking at stupid fish!" He barked, pulling his paws away and smacking the water furiously as if he was a pup throwing a tantrum.