

Talon I


4 Years
07-20-2014, 01:02 AM

What might this pack offer him, he wondered? He knew he was not the best asset to any pack; he had not found much purpose in Glaciem, and Kangi hadn't been happy there anyway. He was not a fighter, he never wanted to hurt anyone, unless he absolutely had to, to defend Kangi -- and he certainly was not a skilled hunter, nor could he ever be. Perhaps he could take some kind of role in gathering other sorts of food, or even just taking care of children and being an all-around helper? These worries plagued his mind as they waited. Talon did not want to disappoint Kangi, and he knew they would flourish in a pack where they could ensure food and safety for one another. Being around others might be difficult for them both, but he was certain it was something they could persevere through together.

The safe word would be kaga. If they were unhappy here, or weren't being treated well, they would use that word and flee. He felt a warmth in his chest as she smiled at him, and he gently brushed his nose against her own, feeling slightly reassured. Anxiety would still twist at his stomach, fears of being unwanted and rejected plaguing him like a sickness that he could not shake. "I'm ready," he assured her with another loving nuzzle, turning to gaze over the horizon, ready to let loose a call with her for anyone to come and speak with them.

But a woman appeared before they even had the chance to call. He felt his ears flatten involuntarily against his skull, his heart beginning to hammer loudly in his chest once again. Was this the leader? She didn't seem like one, but she seemed confident nonetheless. He found himself dipping his head in respect, though kept himself from groveling before her. Though he was a submissive creature, he didn't want to seem overly so; he knew weakness was not a good thing, and didn't want to seem frail in front of this stranger. He was reassured by the feeling of Kangi's face against his chest, though could sense her sudden anxiety and her outwardly negative reaction. Perhaps this would all end badly... but he had to try, for her, and her silence told him that he needed to speak. "Hi..." he began warily, his voice small but audible as he gazed at Misha with his silver gaze. "I don't really know what a cohort is, but... my name is Talon, and this is Kangi." The man's voice wavered slightly, but he glanced down at Kangi and pressed himself against her, feeling calmed by her touch. "We kind of... wanted to talk to someone about maybe joining, I guess. Is that something you can help us with?" his lyrics were genuine and sweet, and though his tone was deep, his mannerisms seemed forever childish, as though he had never quite grown up; his eyes shone with a curious sparkle and he found his tail flicking gently at his hocks as he waited.