
La La La, Lizette's World!



07-20-2014, 02:15 AM

The girl wasn't too fond of staying still, so on and on she roamed, her brother haunting her thoughts. Did he truly think that it was her fault that their parents were dead? That was no fair, it wasn't! Maybe he didn't feel that way, but regardless that is what Haruka thought. She seethed as she stalked forward, her small body hugging the ground, hoping to remain unseen. It wasn't hard with her small, fox coloured body. That and she was rather good at hiding, she loved slinking in the shadows and being all stealthy. For whatever reason it made her feel important, like she could actually do something that may make her brother proud of her one day. But her dear Legend was tucked away in Tortuga, the pack scent stale on her petite form.

She made her way to the stream, thirst gnawing at her belly. What she happened upon there was something that shocked her, a grown ass wolf acting like a child. Her brown eyes rolled at the sight, remaining unseen to this ebony and gray stranger. What was he doing anyways? That was no way to catch a fish. Haruka may not be an expert fisher, but at least she wasn't stupid about it, nor did she act like a pup when she did not catch her prey. Shame, maybe, but not throwing a tantrum in the water. "You're going to catch a cold, sitting there like that." She scoffed, removing herself from the shadows in which she hid. Staying a good distance away, her tail swung too and fro as she cocked her head at the body, studying him with narrowed eyes. "And you fish like a fool." She added, eyes narrowing further. She wasn't usually one to speak to strangers, she was not good at placing her trust in others. Haruka wasn't about to approach this foolish grown-pup-wolf-man thing, she was going to keep her distance and see where this led. She was a bit lonely, but that didn't mean she was about to put her small frame into any sort of danger.

Walk "Talk" Think