
Far From Home, Far From Alone


07-20-2014, 03:00 AM

It wasn't long before a female wandered into his view, he easily paused and watched as she came upon a small pool. No emotion crossed his face as he just stood there, watching her. Yes, perhaps she would do. He was not about to wander over and force himself upon her, oh no. He was way more classy than that. Plus, Apollo wasn't certain that it was a lustful night that he wanted, perhaps just a night of casual stalking would do. So his salmon eyes looked on, watching her helpless form just lay there. She had no idea that he was here, did she? He could just stand here and stare at her, and she wouldn't know any better. A lopsided smirk graced his otherwise stony face, a feeling of power racing down his spine. Yes, it made him feel good that he could watch someone and they had no idea. Creepy? Yes, yes he was.

Apollo had enough of just looking on though, there was no fun in that. It held his joy for a little bit, but then he grew rather bored of it. Letting out a soft sigh he picked his way towards the caramel coated one, any signs of the smirk leaving his ebony lips. "My my, something must be awry. A girl left on her own, to what are you trying to atone? Perhaps you seek safe passage from wrong-doers, or maybe to have less viewers?" His lyrical voice broke the silence, the rhyming words sounding sweet and soft spoken. He walked up alongside her flank, his long tail trailing up her spine. "Maybe you are looking in the wrong place, for a wrong-doer you have come face to face. My name is Apollo my dear, one of the Olympus that some may fear. But don't you worry, I am in no hurry." He sneered at her, his head ducking down so that his next words were whispered in her ear. "Let me know your calling, so that I may whisper it when we are lolling."

OOC: Word definitions :

Awry - away from the correct or expected course

Atone - turn away from sin or do penitence

Lolling - lying in a relaxed manner

talk, think