
She's On My Mind


07-20-2014, 11:09 AM

Alone. Time alone to sort out thoughts that rummaged through his mind as a hungry coon would a dumpster. His road led him here to a brilliant waterfall that cascaded down a staircase of rocks. Heavenly. The water was of a golden hue as the setting sun painted it in its radiance. A scene in which was meant for the angels.

Winter huffed down upon the turf heavily, forelimbs stretchered out in front of him while his hind legs were carefully tucked underneath his abdomen. Blades of yellow-green grass caressed his entire frame as each one of them danced with the song of the wind.

Misha, his love, demanded so much from him. Wanting him to leave his perfect kingdom to join her pack; however, he refused to leave his clan of friends. It was just so perfect and he wanted to share it with Misha. Her and the. . . pups. Breath was held prisoner in his lungs for a moment as he forgot to breathe. What if puppies were, in fact, growing in side of her at this moment? Being a father was so foreign to him. He grew up without a father and ran from his first litter. Though, paternal instincts would come natural, right? Ah, how the thought of puppies frightened him but thrilled him at the same time. But, then again, he need not to worry about that just yet.


Love Like Winter by AFI on Grooveshark