
time is a runaway


07-20-2014, 12:11 PM

Xae's head cocked slightly to the right side, his slightly folded ears still pricked, the tips only barely draping forward. She didn't want him to leave. Quite the opposite, she claimed to want company, saying she was a lone wolf. Xae's heart went out to the pale she-wolf. He had been a loner for only a few months, since his first birthday. His second year seemed to be waiting just around the corner, and with it, came a new adventure - pack life. Being a loner had been painful for the dark russet male, so he understood the fae's desire for company. She called herself Huata Hinto, and requested his name in return. "You are well educated in manners, as well, my lady." Xae again dipped his head respectfully toward her as he gave her his observation. "My name is Xae Vaux. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Lifting his head, curiosity sparked in his otherwise dull gaze. He stepped forward, head tipping to the left. "Excuse my manners if this is too personal an inquiry, but where did you learn to use such proper language? I find many a wolf to have lost it. I, myself, do not speak as well as you." The thought occurred to him, briefly, that perhaps this girl- nay, this woman might be able to teach him a thing or two about what he considered "proper" language. He considered himself a well-educated, proper young man, but this pale fae before him was showing him that he was nothing but a stupid boy - not that he took it offensively. He was rather happy to know someone who may be more intelligent than he.
