
The Devil In Stitches



05-10-2013, 05:43 PM

The male padded along swiftly next to the larger female. News about Kaien's death was shocking, and then again it wasn't. Most seemed to have viewed him as incompetent and of late Nnoitra had too. It was almost depressing in a way to hear his adopted son was gone from the world, but it was expected. Tortugans were merciless. They needed a strong ruler and it seemed as though Kaien just wasn't quite enough for them to be happy. He could live with that factor. Had Desdemona not challenged him Nnoitra would have stripped him from his rank and taken it back for himself. He had indeed done a better job at controlling the masses. Things had gone to hell after the volcano though, so it was partly the blame. Regardless Kaien had failed in reigning in the members, he had paid for it in the end.

He took the crown Desdemona offered him with an air of confidence. He would rule beside her as her equal and together they would mend things. The problem with Valhalla needed to be fixed. That and the problem with Kaios had to be fixed as well. So many issues needed to be addressed and Desdemona and himself were stuck finding solutions to Kaien's messes. It was a hassle, but he would be happier once Tortuga rose from the ashes to be powerful once more. Kaien had tainted the name, but it would mean something again once they were through.

She took her place upon a rock and Nnoitra followed, sitting next to her just as proudly as she did. He was used to such appearances. To him they were everything and it was one he held even while Kaien ruled. It came natural to him now. Almost second nature as he waited for them to come. Come they did. One by one, or by pairs. It did not matter. Either way they did come and then they listened. Protests were sure to come, but not until he had said his piece.

Head raised as he observed them all. Two-toned blue gaze would look at new and old faces with an air of indifference. It was different being their Alpha, but familiar. A nice touch that he could enjoy before he died. He was certain an heir would come up for Tortuga now. Perhaps then a change in power would work properly instead of failing like Kaien's had.

"I expect you to treat her with respect. If you have problems voice them and they will be handled. Any form of blatant disrespect to her or myself like you displayed with Kaien will be punished severely. Tortuga will rise from the ashes and will rise in power again. You all will be expected to participate in any events, otherwise obvious consequences will take place as Desdemona has stated. No one is to initiate fights with Seracia or Ludicael or Glaciem either. The situation with old members leaving and still causing problems will be handled. Until then enjoy the change or get out."

Voice remained cold and neutral. For once he was completely serious. No jokes in his tone or jesting. Nothing was amusing about this. They would take them seriously, or they would suffer. End of story. No if's and's or but's.
