
Fitting the Pieces Together


07-20-2014, 09:54 PM

She waited. But she didn't have to wait long. Her tail began to wag as her vibrant blue eyes spotted him coming towards her. She smiled openly at him, the gentle and handsome male coming to sit near her as he questioned her presence her. She leaned forward, touching her nose to his shoulder as if playfully nudging him before responding. "I've come to see you of course! It's nice to see you too, Dayton!" She was oh so happy to see him, ecstatic even. She had remembered the scent on his pelt, the name of his pack. She remembered the first day they met, and wanted to make sure he was okay now. She could see he was happy to see her, and she the same. She felt like a puppy almost, her body practically unable to sit still. Front paws kneaded the ground, her tail wagging harder. She had been alone, dealing with her own heartbreak for seasons. But when she laid eyes upon him, when she was in his presence. It all seemed to disappear. She smiled wider, blue eyes sparkling when he said he was hoping to see her again. She felt herself blushing, head dipping down and her paw coming up to paw at her face before she looked at him.

"I apologize for my childish behavior, but I too was hoping to see you." She smiled again, silvery grey fur reflecting in the sun light. The intricate mask on her face emphasizing her eyes. "How have you been, Sir Dayton? It has been a while has it not? You seem a lot happier, keeping out of trouble I presume?" Her gentle voice floated between them, the presence of the male comforting to her lonely heart. She had been wandering without a pack for a while now, the longing to belong somewhere...with someone filled her. And she felt that perhaps she could create a bond, a connection with this male who was so much like her. In fact, it seemed they had been through the same trials of life...she felt relaxed in his presence. Comforted. safe. Did he feel something similar?
