
Leaving Behind Haunted Paths {Joining}



9 Years
07-20-2014, 10:25 PM

The boy didn't have long to wait. A scent would grow stronger, soon a form would appear. She would come running full pelt at him, the boy's tail wagging the moment he saw her, though when he realized she wouldn't be stopping, he braced himself for impact. And as soon as she reached him he would fall back as she leaped upon him, her teeth nipping at his left ear as he laughed, tail wagging. "Of course it's me! It's nice to see you again, Sis! I've missed you!" He would grip her in a hug, wrapping his forelegs around her neck as he lied upon his back, returning the loving kisses on her own muzzle. Maybe he wasn't alone. His sister, his brother had always been there. Rin had just fallen into a dark place for much too long, and perhaps it was time for him to break free and discover himself...he still didn't know who he was. But maybe here, he could discover his talents. Who he was as a person.

It was then he scented another coming. And looking past his sister, translucent green eyes would spot the other male coming up. He didn't know who it was, but slowly he would get up and shake himself off. Brushing against his little sister, the 39" tall male looked gangly compared to her. He was tall, adolescence still filling out. His muscles not rock solid, but his form was still growing to keep up with his tall and lithe frame. He cleared his throat, a little embarrassed but he didn't care. He was with his sister now. "Sorry, my name is Rincavornon Beg. Once an Armada, although I think my father would rather not see me as one. I wasn't exactly his favorite anyway." Damn guy never even spent time with half of us. He thought bitterly.


Fight Inside by Red on Grooveshark


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