
Free At Last!!


05-09-2013, 08:21 PM
She was free! Free from her mother's overbearing ways. Free from her father's constant talks about responsibility. Free from it all! Her paws hit the ground in a rhythm as she padded into the new land. Oh how good it felt to be far away from her family. It was almost instantly that the smells of blood and other wolves hit the young femme. Her ears laid back slightly, not sure how to handle the smell of the blood. Sure she had smelled blood before. Plenty of times as she hunted with her pack... But this was different.

Her body language full of caution, as she did not want to get in trouble with an alpha Tasha moved forward. her honey colored eyes inspected everything. There was lots of paw prints everywhere, clearly belonging to many different wolves. Well, at least she was in the right place. Though after traveling for so long she decided it was time to take a break. About that time she spotted a pond. Ah, perfect! She could rest and get a drink before continuing on to find a suitable pack.

(ooc: it will get better i promise)