
Knocking on Life's Door


07-21-2014, 06:37 AM (This post was last modified: 07-21-2014, 06:40 AM by Valice.)

Valice had enough of wandering around without purpose or another wolf to speak to. It was time she put her life on the line by serving a greater good, even if it meant letting go of her freedom to do as she pleased. Today was the day that she would hopefully pledge herself to a pack and would be selected for a rank that suited her best. The she wolf was ready to be tested, and was ready to be put to any task.

Finally reaching what smelled like the border of the Tortuga pack, Valice would immediately stop and release a howl alerting those near her of her location and that she wanted to join the pack. Now all she had to do was await for a pack member to approach her and then the discussion would begin regarding what she did best, why she wanted to join, and all the other ever-so-important details she had in store for them. "You can do this," the dame would think to herself before sitting down, the wind blowing into her fur for the first time in a long while.

OC: Idk if I should have made a re-join thread or something, I had to go on leave for about a month, if not more because of a family emergency. I'd prefer not to go into detail regarding that, but since my characters weren't deactivated (thank goodness), I don't know where to go from here and being stressed and all, I can't really figure out how Valice is going to approach the pack just all of a sudden after a "dissappearance". Help? XD

Your Speech,