
Time to Think


07-21-2014, 09:06 AM

The dainty woman took careful steps as she made her way over the volcanic rocks. They trembled and shook, even under her slight weight, so it wasn't long before she decided to take a break from walking. She found a black boulder that seemed more stable than the rest and climbed gracefully up one side. Then she settled onto her haunches with a sigh. On most days, Kitsune would have avoided such a dangerous environment. But today she came here in the hopes that no other creatures would come her way. She wasn't against having company, as long as they were nice creatures. None of those big bad wolf characters.

But Kitsune also favored the silence today. She needed to think things over before deciding whether or not she wanted to join the pack nearby. After all, did it really seem like a good idea to jump into something without a second thought? She wouldn't be rash about this decision, nor would she join just to spend time with Dart. She needed to be honest with herself. Was this the life for her? Surrounded by wolves when she had so often feared them?