
Light Em Up!


05-09-2013, 08:53 PM

The King felt helpless, and just a bit selfish. He had given her an idea for an escape, but sooner or later he'd have to think about how he was going to escape. It was likely if she managed to get away, the blackened beast would turn his vengeance upon the monarch. It was only natural for him to need to do something to get away. But what? He imagined the great creature could not climb, nor could he turn on a dime like the wolves. Perhaps if Gerhardt got somewhere where he could get off of the ground a few feet, the bull would leave him alone. Perhaps he could get them both there, and save Elphaba while he was at it. It was worth a shot. In all the motion he had missed Elphaba's injury, but he noted it now that blood trailed behind her in the direction she was running. The amount was not large enough for Gerhardt to fear for her life, but the King still worried. How long could she run with an injury?

It didn't seem to hold her back, as she darted this way and that, coming up opposite of him. I should get moving. The bull turned on them, snorting and groaning. He was lathered in sweat, which made his blackened coat glisten in the daylight. "Follow me!" The King hoped he was not leading her into worse trouble, but he had to do something! In a flash he was off, a blur of three colors. Taking his own advice, the King did not travel in straight lines, and often circled back for good measure. He couldn't hear the bull over the sound of his heat drumming in his ears. His only thought was to get somewhere they could climb. The machinery shed was the closest place he could think of. Even if the bull followed them the entire way, it couldn't get in the door. Plus, if it managed to break the door down, the tractors were tall enough that it could never hope to reach them.

The tan shed rose up on the horizon and the King could not be more pleased to see anything in his entire life. Dashing forth with newfound energy, Gerhardt found himself slipping inside the door in no time at all. He only hoped Elphaba was behind him. With a grunt he heaved his weight upward and onto the seat of one of the farther tractors, leaving the closer one for her to scale, if she wanted.
