
It's Not About Angels


07-21-2014, 10:24 AM

Her pregnancy ended at abruptly as it began, and her two children had not survived. They were gone, empty shells of what could have been, and they would never get the chance to see the world. What a beautiful world they were missing. Her two little sons would never see a sunrise. They would never chase butterflies or dance in the water or even see their own mother. Adelaide had never thought herself to be the sentimental type. Her world revolved around healing others, but sometimes that could involve injury and death. Sometimes you had to be stoic. This was not one of those times.

When the snowy woman first discovered that she was pregnant, she was terrified. She was ashamed. She wished they didn't exist. How nice that her wish came true. She had spent the morning curled around their small, lifeless forms, and then she had gone and buried them by the lake. They rested side by side under a beautiful green willow tree. Then she had returned to her den only to keep to herself for three days, sobbing and feeling the pain of their absence.

Then today, at last, something changed inside of her. She woke up that morning with a newly healed scar, and her eyes were finally dry. Adelaide left her den and went to the lake, picking a fresh orange lily on her way. She would visit her children and say goodbye one last time, and then her life would march on.

OOC: She's a little sad, but I need a friendly member of Ebony to talk to her. I'm fine with anyone. But I need to get this little healer active in the pack again, and this is her form of closure. So come one, come all... :)

P.S. The song that the title is based off of... It's really sad so don't listen if you're prone to crying like I am. Also, don't read this and listen at the same time, unless you're masochistic.