


07-21-2014, 02:47 PM
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PERSONALITY: Born to a skeptical sage of twilight, the girl was once happy go lucky. Once. Then came the mental abuse, the haunting aura of a different aspect of love. She was no longer called a girl, but a creature to her mothers eyes. A disgrace. A burden. By any chance they got, the girl would be tumbled to the ground by her Brothers and sister, just to please their Mother. Not that that stopped the burden, named after the rotting stench of a corpse, she would keep her name in high hopes. It was a magnificent name really, other then the actual meaning. Kalma beholds her mother as an arch angel, the one that birthed her with no problems, the one everyone should look up to (or down to, in this case.). Dione is the one she strides to be when she grows upon the adolescent age, and beyond that too. No matter how many stumbles and falls the girl must go through, she will always have that piece of originality upon her.

Suffering from the manic-depressive illness more or so called the Bipolar disordier, the daughter has her times where she goes into the phrase of happy go lucky, jumping in flowers and dancing to her own song, to the vise versa; the deprived of the demonic selfish self that her mother raised her to be, A cannibal; a monster. One that most fear, the linage that breaks through the surface of selfless and into the lineage of selfish. The danger to the land. She is one to be feared; not loved.
While she is a beholder of her mothers disorder, she also holds her Fathers compassion; and it shows when she wishes it to. Kalma is a rebel, excuse her for not listening to perches of speech if it isn't necessary, though, when it is and one of her Brothers goes off, she is most likely to put them in their place. To scold them. She's a daddy's girl for the most part, though that never interfered with her undeniable love to her mother and siblings.

APPEARANCE: Possibly being the most colored demised as well as with markings, she finds herself being in pride for her coloration and patterns. A mixture of her parents; with the sea tide hue upon her fur, it is almost the most beautiful. Though that's not the thing that makes the girl unordinary upon her siblings. Circular like markings (rather small, yet visible to the nude eye)appear where the tip of her eye begins and down the side of her mouth with the first tinted hue of blue. Upon the obsidian coloration that is pulled from her own mother's pelt, it goes rather beautifully to her own. Around her eye is a spectacular marking; one that would make you awe, with the same hue of her first coloration, a circular yet narrow shape forms around it, while fading out into thin lines as it reaches the end of her face.
Now scoring down her chest where the obsidian lays a large anemic white patch lays only to fade out once more into the obsidian most known. Pallid lines score down upon her neck, and while it's unusual, it's beautiful all the same. The lines continue around her neck almost in a circular demise, leaving no space between them. The lines only fade once again into the scene at the end of her spine, some completely visible while others weren't so much, and soon enough they fade out again. At the end of her tail, as well as her legs, the white tiger like stripes come in once again before stopping completely. To finish it off, ruby hued pools come into show, to take the stage. Almost a neon red, though it also reminds you of the essence that runs through her veins. With the height of 35", don't let her pretty looks fool you; because that's where your story comes to an end.

RP SAMPLE: It was almost too magnificent to be true; the world upon your feet, the peaceful surroundings and the silence that could test your sanity. Life was fresh upon the lands, the sun bathing upon her lush figure; the blue going quite naturally with the wildlife around the woman. A large figure rested upon these parts, rather lazily at that. Fog nestled, moving slowly across, still stone never moving, and interest depleting quickly. Swift body risking the dangers of where she laid, which happened to be a tall crumbling stone, raised. Calm life now risking where she stepped, her weight testing where she stood, and at the moment where there was barely never time left, the woman's haunches crouched down, lithe body pressed to the stone ground before lifting off. Time froze, the sanity depleting and fear raising as a rather large thump gave off under her weight. And at that exact moment, the stones crumbled and gave off to the left only leaving a mask of dust. A grumble of displeasure the only persona of conversing leaving her lips as she watched with a amused gaze. Taking her eyes off of the mess, and with a turn of a gaze, the waterfall that contrasted the only noise was only just ahead. And the quenching taste of deprivation of the source was bringing her life to the minimum level. Marsh lands were diverse here; though it was possibly the only place she enjoyed most. Most citizens didn't enjoy the silence that was brought here, and while she was social to others, that didn't necessarily mean she liked the company at times. Her attention and thoughts were interrupted by the fog that was heavily put here from the attention and force of the waterfall. With the deprivation of the sight, it was almost better being blind at this point. A skeptical look crossed her features and while it was precisely agitating her to the least of her patience. Her thoughts were scorched through once again as she felt the cold essence on her appendages. Finally. Leaning her skull down, the wave of refreshment lasted upon her figure, the quenching thirst now completely diminished from her needs. And for once, she was completely content.