
Come slinking in


07-21-2014, 03:04 PM

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? the gratification is present upon his countenance and faintly obscured beneath the intensity of his cerulean gaze, and her own pallid features reflect similar emotion -- however much it is veiled beneath the indifferent guise she adorns. at his sentiment, the pride flares intensely beneath taut flesh; the elysius deity knows it was her relentless efforts that brought them back to their shadowed keep, and that she would strive to perpetuate her reign as tyrant to maintain the elysius? hold over it --- eternally. it is a duty she has imposed upon herself as her kin?s monarch and provider, and the day of her resign from such paramount obligations will be the day her life is snuffed from her very veins.

the phantom removes herself from his proximities as a saccharine grin distorts frayed lips, fervent pupils fixated upon his own diminutive physique as she reclines upon supple thighs -- elongated tail furling idly about her haunches while she dutifully scrutinizes. he gives no indication of a desire to pledge fealty towards her reign, though the wraith knows he would not have sought her presence if not for acceptance into her strict hierarchy. ?if you wish to stay, you must work for it,? the queen informs him, her speech firm as all traces of emotion elude her countenance. ?i took this forest and pack for our sake, but that does not mean family is e n t i t l e d.? a singular brow quirks, chin elevating slightly as if to dare him to refute her claim. disrespect towards her authority is intolerable, even if she receives it from her own flesh and blood.