
Light Em Up!


05-09-2013, 09:50 PM

He clung to the frayed cloth seat, finding it to be far more comfortable than it ought to be. His sides heaved endlessly, as if he couldn't draw in enough air despite all his efforts. Ears folded against his skull as the beast rammed into the door, braying displeasure when he could not find an entry. Thank goodness for that door. He watched as Elphaba flung herself from her own pedestal to his, careening onto the hood and sprawling out. Humor, she still had humor in a situation like this. A smirk crossed his features, ironically in the company of a slightly furrowed brow. Breathing slowly began to return to normal as he shifted into a more comfortable position. "Absolutely marvelous," he would remark with every bit of sarcasm he could lace into it. Slowly and steadily, a laugh bubbled in his chest, festering there until he could no longer hold it in. It escaped as an airy chuckle, soft and genuine in nature. "No thanks is necessary, it's all in the job description. Although, I'm not sure that saving someone from a raging bull was exactly what I had planned for today." He smirked, pearly whites gleaming in the beam of light that interjected from the ajar door.

The bull snorted, his head being the only thing that could fit between the door and the wall. Gerhardt watched him warily - in the event that he might somehow manage to weasel his way in. That would be horrible. A bull in a china shop was one thing, but a bull in a machinery shed was a totally different story. "How long do you think he'll stay out there?" He could hear the bull bellowing and snorting, pawing at the earth in vengeance. Gerhardt knew he'd give up sooner or later. "I'm just glad it wasn't the brown and white one, he's the worst of the bunch. This one's a younger bull, I guess that's why he was so quick to charge." Young creatures of any species were almost always impulsive, especially those of the male persuasion. Gerhardt liked to think he understood the cattle - at least enough to live at peace among them - if you could call this peace. The King sat placidly now, as if nothing had happened and as if there was not a raging bull waiting to gore he and Elphaba.
