
Fitting the Pieces Together



07-21-2014, 04:36 PM

Dayton felt a joyful laugh building inside him, and he felt incredibly happy to be having fun with someone this way. It had been a long time since he'd been himself like this. Laughter rang from his lips as the argent lady reacted to his tickling, her sides heaving as well. Then she crumpled under the force of it, rolling to the ground as fits of giggles overtook her. Dayton heard his own masculine laugh in the background, sounding almost foreign to him after all this time. But he loved it. He savored every moment spent with her.

What was happening?

Dayton felt a confused expression take hold of his features as he backed away, letting the woman breathe. He angled his face down and away as he struggled to compose himself. But it was hard to think. The air felt tight and warm. Was it her? Was she making him feel this way? This couldn't be happening. Not again. Not more pain, he couldn't take it.

But any thought of pain was gone when she moved up next to him. The whole world dissipated like snowflakes in an ocean. Those oceanic blue eyes. He could just drown in them. He didn't mean to stare, of course, but he was doing it anyway. And he couldn't stop himself. Her breath was sweet and warm in his face as she spoke, and he blinked, trying to make sense of the words as her voice echoed in his head. She was happier when they were together. Like he was some missing piece to her puzzle. He couldn't have said it better himself.

This was different, totally different than what he had felt for Misha. It hadn't reached that point yet, but already they were taking a different path. This path was brighter, greener, more full of hope. Love dies in the winter and is reborn in the spring. Things could change for him. For both of them. These thoughts were blanketing his mind, putting him in a state of bliss when suddenly... Pacifica kissed him. He snapped out of his trance, looking down at her in surprise. He felt intense heat where their fur touched.

"You're... You're happier? With me around?" How could that be? They barely knew each other, yet something was so... so right. Pieces of their puzzles falling together at last. Becoming one? Not yet, perhaps, but Dayton could tell that it was destined to happen. This was different from his romance with Misha. That had been doomed from the start, like Romeo and Juliet, but far less successful. This was different. This was so much better. This took a moment to think through, and then the brute realized that he had been silent for a while. He leaned forward, breathing shakily, and returned the kiss. His tongue caressed her nose for a brief moment, and then he smiled at her. His heart had never pounded like this before.

"Im glad to hear that you are happy," Dayton murmured softly. "However, I am the one who should be thanking you. You saved me from despair. You redeemed me, Pacifica... like an angel." Those final words were no more than a breath. But they were true. She was his angel.
