
Everywhere and Back


07-21-2014, 05:26 PM

The boy had seen many places but none quite like the place he had stood right then. It was a magnificent bay that opened up to the rocky shore. He stood there upon the rocks and looked outward. The warrior, the paladin, was going to be resting there for quite a bit. Perhaps he?d spend weeks or months taking in the beauty. He looked into the water that slowly lapped at the rock he stood on. An occasional drop or two of water would reach his paws and he would sigh. He was at peace it would seem. No, he was never at peace. How could he be at peace with so much malice and hatred in the world? He loved fighting, this was true, but he could not stand the evil and he knew he was the good that had to vanquish it. He couldn?t do it alone though.

He needed help and lots of it.

His eyes cast glances to each side before he found his paws entering the water, cool to the touch. His fur up to his lower belly was completely submerged as he waded through the calming spring air. It felt good. He would give a shake of his head as he saw a fish in the water. He didn?t care for fish but as a young pup he had learned that any bit of food counted, especially when you were a rouge. He caught it in his paws and gave it a swift bite to the neck to kill it. He would wade ashore and set his fish down on a rock as he climbed out of the bay. He would shake his pelt to get as much water off as he could before he would sit down and begin his feast.

"Talk." Think.