
Light Em Up!


05-09-2013, 10:40 PM

Elphaba let out a long expulsion of air as her thin bodice collapsed a top the hood of the tractor. The cool steel feeling marvelous against her over-heated coat. She swore she find a den in the trees. The farm could keep the damn obese deer, Elphaba wanted nothing to do with them, especially if there males took to impaling her. She was fine dining on rabbits should that be the case. Elphaba, surprisingly, was the first to break the silence. Just a touch of humor in her tones. Glinda had been accustomed to her sarcasm and slightly abrasive ways, but the King was not. Sure he had probably surmised she was blunt, but from the two packs forming an alliance, to the abrupt loss of a Queen, to the moving of lands... she couldn't rightly say she had gotten much time to talk to anyone, much less the King whom she doubted had much time to deal out as it was. She wished she could retract the sarcastic words the moment they dripped from her maw but alas, she possessed no magic.

His response however stunned her, she expected to be snapped at, punished, clawed, something to reprimand her loose tongue, instead she was met with tones even more sarcastic than her own and a laugh, light, airy and seemingly carefree bubbling up from his chest, she allowed her muscles to relax, let her body unwind. She kept forgetting she wasn't in Oz anymore. A grin stole across her maw and she panted, chest heaving up and down with effort. It tampered off into a gentle smile, emotions never made to linger upon her face but a hint of amusement and satisfaction glittered in the depths of golden orbs. She would snort at his airy dismissal of her thanks, shaking her head languidly. "If it wasn't for your timely arrival I'm fairly certain my carcass would be dangling from those black horns rather than my leg obtaining a scratch, by all means take the thanks." She winced slightly, canines hurt bad enough, she didn't want to think what one of those horns piercing through her would feel like. She would shoot him a grateful smile regardless.

His inquiry made her think, pause momentarily as she watched the bull through the broken windows, pacing, snorting, ranting, growling. She had no idea what the damn thing was, much less what its habits were. She contemplated her response, remaining silent for a moment before a hoarse chortle escaped her, rumbling up through her chest. "Probably until it finds some other hapless creature to impale, or one of its flock goes into heat... that tends to work wonders to get a stag off your back." This was not the first time Elphaba had been chased done by a testosterone fueled male and it probably wouldn't be the last, although she could honestly say she had never been chased by...whatever it was before. "Since all I did was look at the damned thing, I doubt it takes much to set it off, hopefully we will only be prisoners a short while longer." Elphaba mused softly, whether to him or to herself she wasn't sure. "Have you encountered them before?" Curiosity gleamed in golden oculars, he seemed knowledgeable about the creature that had just tried to maim them, perhaps she could learn a bit about them.
