
time is a runaway


07-21-2014, 10:21 PM

Xae felt his chest swell with pride as Huata complimented his own language skills. The lovely fae continued to feed into the young male's ego. Luckily, the leggy boy would never allow it to get to his head, to make his head swell with his own ego. He had always been raised better, and though his parents he'd left behind, he still felt that it would be shameful to disappoint them. And they most certainly would be disappointed if he started acting like his shit didn't stink. He was raised to be humble, to ask questions. Though it was by chance that he was found to have such a remarkable memory. Though said memory had been slipping lately, due to a pretty mocha-and-cream female who had captured his attention. His feelings didn't seem to be reciprocated, so Xae didn't push. Besides, the young boy didn't fully understand his feelings, and a lot of the time he was with Harmony, he felt frustrated at his lack of memory, even if the pretty girl seemed extremely pleased with his progression.

Had he ever learned to hunt. That was the question that Huata directed at him, pulling him from his thoughts of Abaven's head medic. The lean russet creature cocked his head to the left. "In a manner of speaking. My parents, of course, taught me the very basics. Spending the past several moons alone, I taught myself a few... tricks, I suppose. But I admit, I am not the greatest. It is a good thing Abaven was not in need of hunters." He cracked a smile, a small breath of laughter, but both died nearly as soon as they were revealed. Another problem the boy seemed to be having as of late. He wasn't depressed, but he had found that his usual curiosity had faded somewhat. However, thinking of her question, and how the woman beckoned him to her - which caused Xae to immediately hop up and follow her - brought interest to his grey eyes. "Are we going to hunt?" Oh, how he felt like a pup again, eagerly looking up at his mother for a new lesson, a new way to work his brain. His tail even swished softly, only twice, but still enough to show his excitement. He would have pranced after Huata, if he hadn't remembered his mother so diligently reminding him to remain poised, sophisticated. So he did, keeping his movements fluid, with a purpose.
