



07-21-2014, 10:55 PM

Nephele was allowed a running at Artemis. But as the smaller girl shot the pure white girl's way, the angle was changed. Artemis let her hips pivot out to her own right at a forty-five degree angle from the front of the golden marked babe's left shoulder. Due to such movements the nymph's own movements were cu tin half for her upper chest hit the target, right smack in the middle of the pure white chest of her sister, but due to size differences her sister would be left with only light bruising. But, Nephele had light bruising of her own, which would only come with such a brutish attack. Though, her confidence was boosted by the sudden purchase of her second attack. Her smaller jaws successfully latched onto the right side of her sisters neck. Her weight being forced to her back legs due to the extended position of her upper body. But, luckily, her front paws did not really need to lift from the ground, in fact they needed to remain planted even if they were not very sturdy. Her teeth would sink a good inch into her sisters puffy neck, just above her right shoulders, but such a simple wound would not be any where near fatal or anything of the sorts. Blood would spill into the small girls mouth, letting the metallic liquid slowly slip down her throat which was widened due to her jaws beind spread horribly wide to gain such a grip.

The babe would take only a single moment to go through her defenses, making sure each and every possible line of defense was set and steady. Her haunches were slightly bent to give her leverage and balance while her upper body was being extended slightly to reach Art's neck. An ash dipped tail was sticking straight off of her rear, aligned with her spine for balance. Small ears were slipped back to be flat against her snowy skull, which would deny Artemis much of a chance to attack such gentle flesh. Eyelids were narrowed and squinted to protect her precious gems from teeth or claw. Nephele made sure her breathing was completely steady for she would not want to get to excited and begin to wear herself out by denying her brain of the proper oxygen. Though, her chest/core was also tightened to brace herself for possible impact as well. Each paw was firmly planted upon the earth to ensure balance. But also to help, her ebony claws were dug into the ground, gripping the earth. Each toe on each paw was spread out evenly as well. Ash colored lips were curled up to exposed her white fangs. But, such would also bunch up tough flesh under each eye to protect her cheeks. Last but not least, the delicious being's hackles were raised to protect her neck from any sort of attack whether it be claws or teeth. Such flesh would puff up into rolls to protect neck, throat, spine, and shoulders. Nephele was set and ready to continue the battle between sisters.

Artemis would not leave Nephele empty handed. For her sister struck with the same venom as Nephele did only moments before. Her sister tilted her own head to the right, allowing her fangs to snap forth at the smaller fae's right sided neck. Her own blood's fangs would quickly meet her tender flesh, entering her with ease. They slipped in at nearly an inch, which would allow blood to spew from her neck. Art's upper jaws would clamp down on the back bits of her right sided neck and her lower jaws slipping into the more side bits of her neck. Such a wound would hurt and possibly scarring would be evident, but it was no reason for the little lady to throw the towel in. As her sister would grip her body, pushing would be forced onto her. Artemis allowed the lower bits of her chest to push into Nephele's own left shoulder, the outside bits to be exact. The small fae would dig her paws into the earth in attempt to push back, which would be the obviouse defensive manouver, but she would be easily pushed back. The girl would have to take a few half steps back. But, as her sister raised her forepaw and wrapped it around the outside of Neph's left front ankle and pulled it, the girl stumbled.

Due to such a stumble, the small femme would have to remove her grip from her sisters neck. Her jaws freeing her sisters right bit bits of neck. The nymph would slip forward, but she would catch herself. Artemis had a grip on her own right bits of neck, such sudden movements would perhaps induce ripping of flesh. Causing more blood to slip from her body, also the pain would cause throbbing at the source, but she would go on, of course. Nephele allowed all four paws to meet the ground once more. The Elysius fae would then quickly attempt to pushed her body forward. Due to the forty-five degree angle, the fae would be left with only Artemis's right bits again. The desperate temptress would attempt for her jaws to again try and meet flesh. Her sister's right upper bits of shoulder. Her head would aim to angle to the right again. Her teeth seeking to sink in right at the tip of her sisters shoulder. Her upper jaws seeking the tippy top and her lower jaws seeking the bits between her sisters right shoulder and chest. Due to the angles, such an attack would be the only one currently up her sleeve, but all the while the little meinx would be attempting to push her sister slightly, digging her paws into the earth.


for TASK

one two three

DEFENSES: second para

ATTACKS: attempting to push artemis at the angle they are in, just in return of her sisters pushing. attempting to bite at art's right shoulder.

INJURIES: im lazy atm
