
I don't need pity..I need reassurance


07-21-2014, 11:04 PM

Something seemed off about Maija, seemed a bit... Vi couldn't place it but soon Maija was speaking and Vi's haunches would hit the ground. He was gone again? Vi had known that for a while now, Sibelle had told her that when they had met. "Maija..." Vi's words were a soft whisper, her heart dropping in her chest at her old friends words. But she would continue on, speaking of Sibelle and Arcanum, saying that she was staying there. "Anywhere with family is a good place to be..." Vi would murmur softly, allowing a soft smile to drift across her lips. Things would take a lighter turn after that and Vi would chuckle and smile, rocking back on her heels slightly. If wolves could blush she would have. "It's great to see you too Maija, of course you are always welcome here, if anyone gives you troubles just tell them your my sister and of they don't believe you have them call me..." Vi tossed Maija a languid wink and chuckled softly before clearing her throat. All she ever wanted? No... "I never wanted this... I won it all for my wife, I want her to have the world if I can make it happen. I'm a mother now too you know..." Not that she wanted Maija to meet her asshole kids but hey she was proud to have been pregnant at least once, to carry on with the goddess's bloodlines.