
≡ sweet dreams are made of these


05-10-2013, 06:23 AM

Rage, it boiled her eyes and broke her soul. She could feel it prickling down her spine like agitated ants marching to war. Her growl threated to break the world in two and those that knew her would be cowering in the sight of such aggression, yet she knew it was not this females fault she was experiencing such anger. It was the hormones and she needed a mental slap in the face. She shook herself free of the biting ants. Her ears flicked back and forth as she tested her mood. The words had barley registered in her brain but she had caught them.

?Forgive me.? she stated dimly. She knew she needed more emotion in her words but she simply couldn?t muster it. ?Pregnancy brings all kinds of emotions.? She said mater of fact. Her tail swayed behind her as she let out an exasperated sigh. Her ears twitched as she allowed her eyes to rove over the new comers demeanor. She disliked cocky wolves but she wasn?t in the right frame of mind to comment. ?So you wish to join the wolves of shadows? We are the assassins pack.? She stated. Many hadn?t known the underlying agenda of her pack and she wasn?t ashamed to speak of such things.

?What is your name and what is it you can offer us in exchange for your protection and devotion?? she asked quickly, she needed to find kaios and alleviate some stress. It was making her burn and now was not the time for such things.