
bearing the olive branch

Gargoyle I


05-10-2013, 07:23 AM

[Image: gargie_windswept1_by_kidrylm_writer-d64r02p.png]


The reactions of the Seracians were good enough. At any rate, Gargoyle had not sparked up a brawl with his entrance. The cream colored fellow who'd been quick to jump in front of the Prince named himself as Cynrik. He couldn't have been any older than four or five, and yet he had something like the manner of an elder to him. Whatever it was, it was probably why he had been chosen for the boy's companion.

And as for Maverick himself. Gargoyle could not help but be amused by his reaction to the Chief's size. Yes he was a monster of a lupine. Even taller than some mountain cats he'd tangled with. But a pack was not lead by brawn alone, and Gargoyle intended to prove this throughout the Seracians' stay. To Maverick's wish not to detain the Chief from burdens, Gargoyle immediately replied, "There are few duties as important as keeping up communication and good intentions between packs." He'd been in enough wars and raids to understand that.

Gargoyle might've said more but it was then that the scent and sounds of one of his packmates came to his conscious attention. He recognized it as Insomnia - she had also been out on patrol for some time, but what surprised him was that the sound of pawsteps didn't slow as she came nearer. Was she making the same mistake he had? Surely she could see and smell that her Chief was here taking care of it. Gargoyle took a step back, his ears perking forward in surprise and alarm as Insomnia sprang in and tackled the Seracian Prince to the ground. "Insomnia-!" The Chief could hardly believe his eyes... but apparently they knew eachother very well. Insomnia had never mentioned this.

"Well I suppose that's one way to break the ice." Gargoyle's drawl was dry and toneless, but he was secretly amused. Seemed he'd been right about these Seracian's bringing about a welcome change in moods.

"Insomnia, you'll have to allow the young prince to breathe if he's to complete the mission he's here for." Now that introductions had been made, Gargoyle turned towards the heart of Glaciem and gestured with a foreleg. "Please enter my home. I'll take you first to the pack cave so that your presence can be announced, but along the way, we may talk." So long as Insomnia would allow it, anyway. "I propose a trading of inquries: You ask me a question - whether regarding Glaciem or myself, and then I answer and move on to ask you a question." If the younger male had no objections, Gargoyle would begin. "For example-" and here suddenly a measure of the strict formality faded from the male's stance and something like a humor tipped his words, "-have you ever gotten to see a polar bear?"
