
You Were My Conscience...

Gargoyle I


05-10-2013, 07:47 AM

[Image: gargie_windswept1_by_kidrylm_writer-d64r02p.png]


The tone of the meeting had changed when the pup spoke up. The fae from his past grew quiet and frankly Gargoyle believed it was about time. He still disliked her very presence, was irked by every word she had dared to say, and yet what could he do, but endure? He could not admit in any part of his mind that he -deserved- it, for he had to believe he was a different person. It was the only way that his world made sense. In his heart, he believed it. But this did not mean he enjoyed having to justify himself before anyone. No, whatever faults he might have fixed, he still had his pride. And he'd sacrificed that enough already.

But, as it always did, his mate's voice had a calming effect on him. They were such an odd couple in some ways, yet they complemented eachother so well. Gargoyle loved so one in the world so much as Ocena. Without her, it's unlikely he would've completely pulled through the change. He'd still be dangling somewhere in the half light of his desires, hating more sides of himself.

Soon, however, his attention was turning from the darker fae to the lighter one. The she-wolf who's name he still had never bothered to know or ask, was speaking. Apologizing. She seemed to have understood something of the truth in either Gargoyle's words or Ocena's... and of her pups. It is the young who always seem to have the most direct routes to the hearts of their elders.

"-It's not easy taking care of children when you can barely provide for yourself..."

Gargoyle swallowed, but he was speaking before he let his mind talk him out of it. "Would you accept my help?" There. He'd said it. And as the words left his lips and drifted off on the wind, his voice grew quieter. "I am an Alpha now. Chief of the Glaciem pack, whose purpose is to guard and shelter those who cannot do so themselves." He didn't know if she would accept. He didn't even know if she would believe him. But the truth was, she was in a desperate way. Everything about her spoke of it - not only her words, but her state of grooming, her situation, and the fact that she was mad enough to stand up to him when she knew full well the terrors he could inflict; the suffering he once would've squeezed out of her.

But the truth was, if she were to accept his offer, it would be just as much a risk for him as it was for her. She knew everything about his past life. Horrible, soul-shuddering things that didn't deserve to be uttered by the light of day. She knew how slowly he'd killed... Except that that wasn't him. She'd be an ungrateful fool if she accepted and then spoke of his past. Gargoyle was not about to stand trial for things that he'd done in another age, in another life. Still, a risk it was? and yet he was willing to take it. For the sake of the child.
