
♠ ᴅʀᴏᴘ ᴛнε ℊᴀᴍᴇ

Jupiter I


7 Years
07-22-2014, 01:02 AM

It had been a great length of time since she and her companion had been so thoroughly scrutinized. She felt raw under those searching, bi-colored eyes--optics that reminded her of one of her daughter's. Mercury returned the scrutiny, feeling ever-unbound to the laws of the strange lupine creatures he'd immersed his existence in. Should Jupiter ever need to recall any aspect of the tyrant's appearance in a lapse of careless memory loss, the Sol knew that she had a thorough image and scent of the femme in his conscience.

A dreadful verb touched her ears, one that she herself had used many times, and she observed the tension that suddenly crowded the alabaster mistress' form. Was. Immediately, her gaze averted, head dipping down in respect and regret. "My sincerest regards," is all she feels entitled to say. She did not know these wolves and would not act like she did. It was not--and probably never would be--her place to offer tender reassurances or poetic condolences. To Jupiter, it seemed like this land truly was falling apart. She wondered what state Ludicael was in. She hadn't allowed herself near the mangroves--the celestial knew that if she scented her beloved lands, the smell would draw her to the heart of the trees and into the sorely-missed waters.

Eager audits drank the info provided, taking them with a grain of salted caution. Though the woman communicated a sense of honesty to Jupiter, her time leading Ludicael had made her naturally cautious of information offered to her. Slight surprise crosses her features momentarily at the news of Valhalla. Chrysanthe and Epiphron glide through her memory, but only in passing. As far as she had known, the Valhallan monarchy had been in place for generations. Its overthrow was the first dose of change in this land that--surprisingly--struck her fancy. In her final days as Ludicael's alpha, she had sought Isardis' best interests, and they had been turned against the lawful pack. The development was interesting but she urged her mind to give the woman her undivided attention, and listened closely to the rest of her words.

A fond smile touched her lips at the mention of Isardis. She'd taken a liking to the crafty king. From her throat bubbled a small chuckle she could not retain. "Retire? If you weren't talking about a 'supreme rule' over Glaciem, I'd almost think that we were thinking of different people." A breath of a pause, and then she rumbled bemusedly, "The moon doesn't merely retire from its chase of the sun."

Covari. There had been four (now three) unidentified pack scents she had discovered on her rounds and Jupiter idly wondered which of them belonged to this... Covari. Triangle pillars tilted forward with interest. "Eradication?" Interest piqued her tone and for the briefest of moments, her blood pumped more fiercely through her veins, an itch not felt since her last visit to the battlefield prickling the pads of her paws. Mercury felt the shift that was unnoticeable to any other, beady black eyes sweeping up to try and capture hers, but Jupiter's gaze was locked onto Artemis, another small rumble of amusement sounding in her chest. "I guess you could say I know a few things about eradication." His throat collapsing under her jaws. Her weight shifted. Sunset staining her fur. Tail flicked with anticipation. Distressed cries in the distance. Lips parted to speak. "Go on."

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.