
Light Em Up!


05-10-2013, 07:49 AM

The bull seemed to be getting bored with his plight, or perhaps he was just going about it more quietly. Whatever the case, the snorting and bawling didn't eek into their hiding place quite so frequently. The King was thankful for this, as much as he loved being inside this structure, he wasn't certain he wanted to test its stability at the hooves and horns of a frustrated bull. Her dismissal of his dismissal was to be expected, but this was the proper order of things. "Then by all means I'm glad I showed up, I wouldn't have liked to see you as a horn-ornament." He would utter in all seriousness. Something would have to be done about these bulls, he couldn't have them chasing his members all the time. Gerhardt also knew that they couldn't take them on without risking attack from another. He knew at times the females would band together to fight a threat, who's to say the bulls wouldn't as well? Perhaps a bit of education was in order, for the sake of the Seracians. If they all knew the methods of escape and prevention of attack, perhaps there would be no problem at all.

He found himself laughing even before he'd fully processed her words, a deep, rumbling bravado note trumpeted from his chest. "It certainly does work," Notes moved in the same manner that his laugh had, mimicking the melody he'd already set forth. "I just don't understand. I've had them charge at me before, but only to chase me off, never to try to impale me. Usually they aren't that close to the barn anyway, they mostly stick to the trees." Lyrics trailed away as his vision did, noting that he couldn't see the bull any longer. The King wasn't quite ready to face the open air though, so he remained rooted to the spot he was in. A sigh trailed from his lips. "How is your leg, is it bad?" If it was, he would need to find a healer to see to it - unless she preferred to do so herself. He remembered she was skilled in a varied amount of arts, and Gerhardt did not want to force healing upon her if she wished to tend to herself. He craned his vision to get a look at the injury she bore.
