
Come see about me



3 Years
Extra large
07-22-2014, 06:44 AM

It had been a while now since Kismet had spent time with his family and so after a brief period with Warja he set his path back for the North. He still wasn't sure he trusted their safety, so close to Glaciem and within a pack that not only allied with them but had an alpha bearing the Armada name. Perhaps he was being prejudice but so far in life the boy had only seen the bad in the Armada family. The journey would take longer than he cared for, a part of him certainly wishing that Covari and Tortuga were closer to make it easier to keep in touch with all of those he cared about.

A part of him certainly hoped that perhaps Sarak had finally showed his face though if not then Kismet would likely find himself starting to lose faith in the man, he had missed the birth, the early stages of their life. He may have missed the same in his and Soren's lives though he wasn't really their father his efforts had been nice but not required, these kids ought to have him there. They'd probably grown a fair amount from the tiny bundles he'd helped bring to Tortuga, truth be told he was excited to see how they were growing and hoped of course that they at least vaguely remembered him, he didn't want to be some unknown figure in their lives not as their father currently was.

Kismet would pause at the borders, certainly not daring to cross into the lands given he wasn't part of the pack. There he would stand and wait as he would let out a howl for his family. Who would show, he wondered. He certainly hoped some of them would and in fact wouldn't have minded too much if Roman showed her face as well, standing here now waiting he found himself with a request he wished to ask of the woman and certainly wished to spend a little more time with her himself, to find out why his mother apparently trusted this Armada. His family would certainly take priority for now though, it felt like too long had passed since he'd last seen them.