
Don't Cry For Me


07-22-2014, 07:41 AM

There she sat, admiring the beauty around her, trying to ignore the pain deep inside. That seemed to be what life was for Adelaide now. The strangest part was that she'd never wanted to be a mother. Her rank as a healer meant far too much to her. Pups were adorable, but they took up all of your time and care. For almost a year. The snowy maiden didn't have time for that.

But how can you continue to feel that way when you carry your own children inside of you? It's scary, but it's wonderful. You spend the evenings dreaming of their futures, thinking of names and what they'll be like. So when all of that gets ripped from your hands, you can't help feeling like... Like you've failed them. Adelaide knew it hadn't been her season, and that was probably why her two sons hadn't survived. Her body wasn't equipped to handle it at that point in time. But that didn't mean two beautiful children had to die.

Adelaide struggled to press such thoughts from her mind, taking in a deep and trembling breath as she looked out across the sea of wildflowers. Tried not to imagine her little boys playing in these grasses, discovering the color and beauty of the world... Then a male voice met her ears, and she turned to face it with curiosity. There stood a tall earthy brute with friendly green eyes. The lady gave him a smile. "Oh, not at all, kind sir. I was just relaxing here. Beautiful day, isn't it?" Adelaide asked, gesturing with her nose to the clear sky above. Then she looked down at the man again, her smile widening. "Would you care to join me?"