



5 Years
07-22-2014, 10:06 AM

"Eyy Lassy, wake up!!" She would feel his paws push on her backside, trying to shake the fae awake. "Uggh, Sven what is it?" She had grown close to her new pal, the Arctic Ground Squirrel being Misha's newly found companion. "A wolf howled, she's calling 'er pack to gang up on us, we're gon' an' be their breakfast!!" He would exclaim to her, his amber gaze full of terror. "I am part of that pack," she would say with a playful growl, watching as the small brown squirrel would hide himself behind a small rock. "Oh don't worry, it was my Queen Roman, we should get there quickly before we're late," the russet woman would say with a yawn, stretching her slender body. "C'mon, hop on, Sven." She would say as she would pull him out behind the rock with her paw. "Okie milady, whatev'r ye say," He would quickly climb up her leg onto her back, the fae used to his claws digging into her scruff. "Onward, milady!" She would run out of the den, slender legs carrying wolf and squirrel quickly to the place of the howl- the Kennocha Lake.

She would slow down to a trot, looking at the four wolves already there. Roman, of course. August, Qanik, and.. A wolf that she barely remembered the name of- Dayton. "Lassy, there all gon' an' eat us alive!!" He would say with a shriek as he would shake the girl's scruff, watching the other wolves in horror. "Hush up, Sven." She would say with a warning growl, pacing over to the Queen. "Roman, my Queen. Good to see you, and you as well, Qanik," she would say politely as somehow Sven did actually hush up. She would place herself close to the other wolves sitting there, looking at Sven when he would hiss at them. "'Ye better keep yer paws off mi Lassy, understood?" He would tell the two male wolves with a puff of his chest. "Oh my gosh! Sven, stop," she would say with an embarrassed whine, her sapphire blue gaze dropping to the ground shyly.

"Misha's speech" "Sven's words"