
Kaala's Pawsteps

Gargoyle I


05-10-2013, 11:11 AM


The Chief strode along, leading the way as quickly as he could from the Battlefeild. He didn't wish to run into any others looking for a fight. Yet, even so, his nose was half distracted. It was still filtering through scents, searching for the one he'd been seeking earlier. But no. No sign of the murderer. It was for the best though. Gargoyle wished to meet him... but not while in the company of someone who could so easily get caught in the crossfire.

The Battlefeild wasn't too terribly far from Glaciem, but the two wolves did have quite a journey ahead of them. His kingdom of ice and snow was a good days walking, through pine forests and past old stonework ruins, on towards the tundra and over it for many miles.

The two dark pelted travelers would have quite a time to talk and get to know eachother. Gargoyle, who had many miles under his belt, was perfectly willing to make the most of the hours.

"Fishing, hmmm?" he nodded thoughtfully. "No doubt that'll be very useful when it comes time for the salmon run next spring. In the meantime, we'll teach you about the many other forms of prey that can be found in the Far North. Glaciem is lucky enough to be a veritable oasis amidst the ice desert." The wolf was espically proud of it, for the fact that he had scouted out their home himself: spending weeks loping through the frozen wilderness until at least he'd found the patch of heaven.

Gargoyle glanced down once more at his little companion. She was quiet enough - speaking only when spoken to. He wasn't the sort to pry, but when it came to future packmates, he was rather curious. Espically one that was so young. He'd been barely a yearling when he'd had to strike off on his own... but that had been through terrible disaster... and it had killed him. "Kaala, may I ask, how is it that you come to be out here on your own? I hope you won't take it as an insult, but you are rather young."


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~