
dead white and blue


07-22-2014, 12:13 PM

The woman had no time for fallen Kings to swerve into a meeting of leaders and announce his displeasure of how his former pack was being handled. Svanerna had no intentions of starting a quarrel with Athena due to the fact that she saw potential in the silver Queen. Though, as the Albino slithered his way in, the lady simply smiled softly. Her metallic eyes met the cursed boy of deformities and listened to his ignorant words of displeasure. ?So quick to trust a banshee you know so little; one can only wonder who she pledges her current allegiances to?? The lady remained smiling with her lips itching to curl up in a snarl. She was much older then the creature before her, how dare he question her upon first glace. Only a fool would judge someone so quickly. How he ever ruled would be the question of the evening. "The discussion is not over, but thank you for your concern. Nothing had been set in stone for Athena has just shown up. I do not see why we need guidance for I have done this many times before." The girl was no where near new to discussing politics for she was nearly eight, an elder. But, that also did not mean her sense had gone any.

Verux stepped in quickly with a novel of words. ?As much as I would like to say Isardis does not have a point, he does. We have enemies, and we wouldn't want a pack who holds those enemies dear to them to have an alliance with us. However I see no problem with a peace agreement rather than an alliance. So in the case that a war should happen between us and enemy and you are an allie of them, you make the promise not to aid our enemy. Does that seem alright?? The viking stared at the cobalt boy for a few moments. Were his senses so easily wavered by a fallen King? She simply nodded, ignoring the muttering of the albino who stormed off. The lady let forth her own germanic accented tones. "I currently hold an alliance with Covari for they are the reason I have a crown in these moments. I also hold a peace treaty with Ludicael, which would mean I have peace with Abaven too. Do inform me of your enemies and friends so I know how to react to my next pursuing of politics." The girl would decline if Glaciem had issues with Covari. "I would hate for a possible, strong, friendship to be soiled so easily, sire. I am of Finnvi and the Finnvi do not go back on their word." She spoke the complete truth.
