
Time to Think


07-22-2014, 03:19 PM

This encounter was becoming more frightening by the second. The little woman shook with fear as the beast slipped his tongue across sharp ivory fangs, that hunger never leaving his eyes. He moved closer as she backed away. There was no escape. Suddenly, he let out a dramatic sigh and seemed to make her some sort of offer. Her trembling ceased for a moment, and she furrowed her brow. Be his pet? Was he joking? The more he spoke of what would be her responsibilities, the more offended and ticked off she got. Kitsune was raised to be a lady, but now was not the time for manners. What are you? he growled. "I'm certainly not your pet," she spat back at him. "I'm a fox, you idiot. Who do you think you are?" Her voice was indignant, but seemed to be answered with a deadly coo. His name was Novaro Red. That was a name she would be happy to forget. "Maybe you should have started with that." Kitsune hissed at him, growing larger as her pelt fluffed out. She knew the male would laugh, as he very well should. She was a fox, after all, facing off against a very large and angry wolf. The odds weren't exactly in her favor. That little tumble down the mountain was looking pretty good right now. And in hindsight, it probably wasn't wise of her to mouth back the way she did. But her adrenaline was pumping. She was scared for her life, and wasn't thinking straight. How would this beast retaliate?
