
Lost Legends Seeking The Epic


07-22-2014, 04:08 PM
When she finally emerged it was a huge relief to him, as if the deepest, freshest breath had been breathed into his lungs. Such relief shown in his green orbs, and he would rise, looking at her as tears of happiness formed in his eyes. His sister, his beloved sister. He had worried for her so much... But seeing that she was safe... Unharmed... It eased so much of that worry off his shoulders. He would take a couple steps forward, gently nuzzling her shoulder. ?Oh Haruka... I?ve missed you so much... I... I was scared... Something happened to you.?

She did not smell of sickness... And looked well enough. Emerald eyes were questioning. She still smelled of Tortugan lands... But her main scent was covered... Faint. Had she been in hiding? But why? A whine would leave him as he tried to move his muzzle under her own, trying to lift it so that he could look into her eyes.

?Why did you disappear? Do you have any idea how much I thought of you? Wondering if you were okay... If you caught the illness... Died... If you were taken...? She was so small... If a good sized brute dared to come her way he might be able to over power her. But at least she was here. She was safe.
