
I Say You Kill Your Heroes


07-22-2014, 04:12 PM

He did not have long to wait, oh no, for a woman would answer his call. Purple hues would shift towards her form, taking in the sight. A woman of hues of light and darkness, touched by red. She was a pretty thing, wasn?t she? Almost sinfully beautiful, though Kau cared not for such things. He was not a big fan of such women, not that they were not lovely. He just chose to partake in a different sort of fruit. So instead the male would ease into a state of relaxation, though if the woman was observant she would see that he watched her carefully. He could move to a state of readiness before long, should the need arise, but the monster would not leap into such things.

?I call for those who are worthy enough to live in this land. Those who can stand upon their own paws and carve the path, rather than follow the trails created by others. Those who are strong, who put the weak in their proper place, and do not allow room for weakness.? The large brute would give a smile. ?I am just a beast looking for a place in this world, and a rightful one at that. I am Kau Kedieo, and what, pray tell, shall I call you, my dear lady??
