
Swallowing Pride


07-22-2014, 04:15 PM

She had lingered near Ebony, close enough, along the cliffs and under a rocky overhang just large enough for her bodice to get under. So the black beast had spent the night, dosing on and off. She dreamed of the children and Dillinger, of Tahlia and Bane as well. Even in her dreams she saw Aiden again, the man who had come to worm his way into her heart. It had been fast... With each encounter with him leaving her feeling a bit better about all that went on. He was her light... The one who had truly saved her from the damned sickness that took her body. She owed the fawn coated man her life.

Her single orb would open, ears perking as she heard the call. It was not one that she had expected to hear... And the quietness of it suggested that Tahlia was in fact alone. Had she spoke with Bane at all since what had happened the day before? The woman did not know... But she would not simply wait here without knowing the answer. She would make her way out and rise to all fours, moving on at the best pace her limp would allow her.

Sure enough Tahlia would be there. Alone... But she was there. Destruction would approach her with a gentle look on her face, hoping with all her heart that here and now things could truly be mended. The other was anxious... Uncertain... She would give her a small smile. ?Tahlia... Has everything gone okay since yesterday?? Her single orb would sweep over the other woman?s form, just to reassure herself that Bane had kept to his word... That he had not harmed her.
