
Me And My Broken Heart


07-22-2014, 04:16 PM

He would move away with her, walking side by side as they padded along. He felt horrible she had gotten such a scare... But putting the cave out of sight might just be what the fae needed to keep it off her mind. But as they walked Silveris would speak, bringing up her family, her past. Emery would focus his gaze on her, giving a small nod. He wished to know more about her, even if it seemed that she was not so eager to speak on the subject. The memories, he realized, were painful ones of her past.

Horrible parents... And two siblings. A brother who cared for her dearly and was treated badly for caring for her. That other sibling, the one considered perfect, but in the end standing up for the two of them. Standing up for them with her last breath. Emery felt himself shudder at the thought, and lowered his gaze. It must have been horrible, he thought. Seeing your sister murdered by your parents... Your own flesh and blood. How could they have done such a thing? Did they have no remorse at all? And then came the fact of her brother... Biull... What had become of him?

?I get the sense that Biull is still out there, Silveris.? He wasn?t sure if it was true, but he wanted to cheer her up. He would move closer to her, gently pressing against her coat with his own. Touch could be something that could bring great comfort. ?Bekkia must have loved you guys a lot... Even if it wasn?t often showed. You are lucky to have such siblings. Even if they can?t be with your right now... The fates will let you all meet again some day. I?m sure of it.? Even if it was in the next life.
