

Katja the First


8 Years
07-22-2014, 04:50 PM

It was the tradition of her family to have a bl?t, a sacrificial festival for the gods, once a year on the first full moon of summer. This year she was going to do something different. She was surrounded by those who did not believe in her gods, did not care to and likely never would. There were a few here and there but for the most part the Aesir and Vanir were largely unknown. Yet the bl?t had done so much to bring her family together in peace and harmony even if only for that one night, for so many years, and if there was something this world needed it was one night of peace and harmony. But Katja wasn't going to let it rest there.

It would be a whole season.

Yes, she'd made the decision after long thought and weighing her options, to open one land of their territory to all wolves of Ala for feasting and games and communion, for the entirety of the spring season. It was, if nothing else, a dramatic way of Ebony coming out into the light, a declaration that despite all that had happened they were still there... and not going anywhere.

She had spread the word as far as she was able, and today was the day. She'd taken a seat on the border of the lake-lands before dawn, head raised to the sky in silent preparation and communion with the gods as the darkness slowly brightened, Sk?ll chasing ?rvakr and Alsvi?r across the sky until finally beautiful S?l crested the horizon. It was time.

The deaths-head mask lifted higher as the Ebony drottning sang out a welcome and greeting to the approaching wolves.

OOC: Things will start off in here, feel free to post in this thread or to just hop into another. All festival-related threads should say [FESTIVAL] in the title somewhere to distinguish them from normal Ebony-related threads. Only Firefly Lake is open to outsiders, anyone found trespassing in one of the other lands will be punished accordingly. I will be setting up threads for round-robin tourneys in sparring and racing, the top winners in each category will receive both an IC and OOC prize if I can swing it. Feel free to set up your own feasting threads and gathers and just whatever! But any aggression or breaking of the peace will be responded to in kind - which is to say, if you maim someone expect to be maimed in response - and the offending wolf and/or pack will be asked to leave and not return for the duration of the festival.
