


07-22-2014, 07:23 PM

Adelaide was curled around the willow tree grave when a call sounded across the territory. It was surprisingly close, waking her from her sleep with a wild jolt. After calming her heart rate, the healer stood and shook herself off, still hiding beneath the cover of the massive tree. She glanced down at the site where her children were buried and sighed. She had heard talk of a festival that would be held here. Here, where her two sons had been laid to rest. It was something out of her control, at least they were buried near the edge of the area. She just prayed to her own gods that no outsiders would tamper with them. After pausing for long enough, the white maiden let herself get excited and left the tree behind to meet Katja. Other than the location, this festival sounded like a wonderful idea. Maybe the woman could even participate in some games. Races, probably, as her body was still too fragile for fighting after her pregnancy. Or she could host a gathering with some healers from other packs. The possibilities were endless.

Adelaide grinned brightly as she trotted past the lake, bowing to her alpha from where she stood atop a high boulder. Legs would be stretched and a quick yawn would be uttered as she also addressed the other female there. Her coat was incredibly bright in the morning sun. "Good morning, my lady, I don't believe we've met?" Her blue eyes gave away a friendly aura as she overheard what this woman was saying to Katja. "Yes, Drottning," the healer agreed. "Do you wish for me to hold a gathering for healers? Tell me what you wish and it shall be done." Her voice was bright and cheerful for the first time in ages. All worries of her children and their grave would be forgotten. Graves were always respected, and so she had no need to fear. This season would be an enjoyable one. Let the festival begin!