
The More The Merrier


07-25-2014, 09:10 PM

Winter would watch carefully as the event around him would unfold. Dusk would join him and Titania and then a strange orange hued wolf. Hmmm, this one seemed to know Titania. Ah, perhaps they were friends. Though, Winter remained suspicious of this one. Hello, stranger. Name's Winter.

Esti would join them soon as well and he could not help but chuckle at her words. The statement about the rat, he had to agree with that. I really don't like squirrels, now. . . They are way to arrogant for my taste.

His earlier assumption would be proven true when Titania would squeal out the stranger's name. This added some comfort. It meant the fella meant no harm, or as far as he knew. Another chuckle escaped his maw when Titania also mentioned the squirrel, but knowing her, she probably hoped he did have one. Since everything seems to be alright, I believe I will be taking my leave. Nice to meet you, Caeto.
Winter would then leave the scene. He felt as if this was something Dusk and Titania would need to work out. Dusk seeming to be the closest thing to a father to Titania, indeed he did not want to intrude.

-exit Winter-

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