
Feeding my flame


07-22-2014, 08:20 PM

There was a shift in the air, a new scent clung to the damp air. For a second she wouldn't move, unsure if it was real or not. Eyes would flutter open before she rolled onto her belly, verdant gaze sweeping the shrine before finally landing on Cru. Lips would lift in an uncertain smile. She hadn't expected to see him. Why was he here? Limbs would tuck beneath her before pushing her up onto all fours. She would shake herself, shaking free the moisture that had clung to her pelt. Russet crown would tip to the side though she didn't move any closer. "Are you just gonna stand there?" A brow would lift, soft, teasing words slipping from between torn slips. Ever so slowly her tail would wag back and forth, hesitantly. Her haunches would fold beneath her, emerald gaze focusing intently on him, a hint of curiosity dancing across her features.

Everything had been so peaceful, she had been care free for the past few days, but now she was unsure of what was about to happen. Why was he here? The question kept running through her mind over and over again. She hadn't expected him to seek her out so soon after their spat. It still stung knowing what he had done but since her little vacation to the island, it stung less, though it still lingered, following her relentlessly. She would allow silence to envelope them, her emotions stirring to life uncertainly.
