
Charon Olympus


07-22-2014, 09:54 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Requiem
How did you get here?: I never leave O.o
Age: 15

Character's Name: Charon Olympus
Age: 3 years
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 38 inches

Appearance Description: Charon Olympus is no small man. He stands proudly at a height of 40 inches and weighs a solid 192 pounds. His entire figure is sculpted with thick and unwavering muscles, evidence of the training he has done to get where he is today. This Olympus brute has mastered the arts of torture, fighting, killing, and seduction. He wasn't trained in the art of seduction, though. He picked that up on his own. But with a strong back, wide shoulders, and a regal head, it's no wonder the man holds so much confidence in himself. However, most of his dark charm lies in the coat that covers his brawny figure.

His coat is entirely ebony, uninterrupted save for a few gorgeous markings. This midnight color helps him blend into the dark, so only his eyes (and sometimes his markings) are visible. His fur is of average length, and he only bothers to keep it clean and polished because he considers himself a god. And isn't cleanliness next to godliness? His silky black coat travels over the expanse of his body, trimmed with shining gold. These gold markings appear in strange stripes beneath his eyes and a full lining beneath his tail. They also reappear on his legs in the form of narrow tongues of fire climbing up his long pillars. His ears are trimmed in the shining hue, as are the outermost hairs on his face. He has the total and complete appearance of a god. Women bow to him. Men envy him. His sexual appeal is absolutely unparalleled. And to wrap it all up in a tidy golden bow, that luxurious color shows up one more time in his eyes. They burn like two hungry golden lanterns, claiming everything they see. They shine viciously in the dark. Everything about him will be etched into your memory.

Proof of Purchases: LINK - still pending -