


07-22-2014, 10:29 PM
idk where this is in the sense of the family thread so im keeping things general for both schon and svan <3

A familiar call hand rang through her ears. That of family. Katja Finnvi. Her little niece. A creature of ebony colors but the most important thing was that she was a Finnvi. The Queen perked at the sound of her kin's call. Instantly getting up. Svanerna had barely even thought of bl?t. The elder lady had hosted many of the spring time festivals but within her new pack things were to crazy. It was not like old times when she ruled over family. No one really believed in their Gods. She had yet to meet anyone to understand her beliefs. So Svanerna loved meeting up with her family. Yet, the lady was not so religious. Her sons and daughters were. Though, they were strong sinners. Svanerna had participated in taboo acts with her son. Her two sons participated in acts the same as well, she could sense it. But, her daughter was the worst. The skinny fae believed in cannibalism and killing. It was a twisted faith due to her time a stray. But, Svanerna did not comment. Her heir had her shit together, no daughter of hers would be a savage. Ever. Soon she would give her throne to the skinny babe. But, for now the eldest of the Finnvi's would raise her head in leadership, calling her members to her. The ebony, white, and crimson girl would beckon them. To gather them outside the borders as she arrived there. If anyone showed her voice would lift into the air much more softer. "Behave, the leader of this pack is of Finnvi blood. Do not act idiotic and begin wars. Play nice. Settle feuds after this sacred event."

The Viking slithered into the borders of the Firefly Lake with a little smile upon her inky lips. Her rather old bodice moved with elegance, hoping for Hades to join her. The babe would look around. Various Wolves she had yet to meet were gathered, but the only one she knew was her kin. Katja. The odler lady let her head dip slightly before moving closer. "Hello, Drottning" Svanerna looked around for a few moments, making sure everything was calm cool and collect. The lady was much more observant then people thought she was. Her elegant voice slipped into the air again. "I am glad someone is keeping the traditions alive. I look forward to this. Maybe next year I shall host it?" Her metallic eyes slipped to her bloods, attempting to spot her daughter before looking back to Katja. "The Gods bless you for this, darling Katja Finnvi." The woman paused for a few moments. Her paws flexed, waiting for answers. The woman wondered what sort of events Kat had planned. Every blot was different.