



9 Years
07-22-2014, 10:42 PM

A call would be let forth. Which would perk the darling babe quickly. A call of invitation, to everyone. Such an illustrious call was horribly rare. The heir would soon attempt to find her much smaller and older mother. Schon was but a yearling, she would gain power at an early age. Which would be a good thing. Her reign would be full and wonderful. To rule at your prime was always the best. Yet, as she met her mother. She was already on the move to the other territory. Others may have been following as well but they would not stop until they halted at the borders of the Firefly Lake. The Kaiser would turn to look at any who had gathered and the heir listened to the demanding words. "Behave, the leader of this pack is of Finnvi blood. Do not act idiotic and begin wars. Play nice. Settle feuds after this sacred event." Her mother had every right to request such. Schon had heard little of Blot but she knew it was not a place for battle except spars of course. Yet, the fact that her mother mentioned a Finnvi perked her interest much more. She wondered who the Finnvi was. It struck her that there were two vikings in power at once. "Very well, let us continue, Kaiser." The woman slithered on with her mother, into the temporarily open boundaries.

As she sauntered into the gathering the yearling had her narrow bodice in tact. The vain woman was properly groomed to the tee. Her head was high and her thick tail was slightly erect in dominance. But, it was not a sign of threat. The youngest of the Finnvi, that she knew of, slithered with her mother to the host of the event. Her ears perked as her mother offered a greeting. "Hello, Drottning." The woman nodded as well, "Hello there. I am Schon Finnvi, daughter of Svanerna." The woman rolled her shoulders, looking at the ebony babe before her. Her mother would speak some more, it all being a blur as her attention was taken by the gathering of Wolves. But, she would lastly add in her two cents. "It is indeed a great respect for you to host this blot. Thank you, cousin. The Gods will bless us all." Schon dipped her head once more before turning around to observe the others. The heir was wildly curious to watch all the other packs swarm in.


Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.