
Among the Marsh's Song



07-22-2014, 11:01 PM

The small pup flinched slightly when she saw the dark brown wolf begin to rise, fearing for just a moment that he might have intended to confront her where she stood, but by a sheer force of will she maintained her position without running. And neither did he come for her. His pale eyes scanned around him as he began to move, seemingly tipped off to her presence, and before her hope that he had missed her could completely take form he was staring her way. Her body tensed, the dark and light fur across her scruff rising warily, her reaction at odds with the kind smile the strange male suddenly set upon his face as he realized he was with company. Drat. Vaishya had a ways yet to go in her studies if she intended to one day walk around unnoticed.

His tone mirroring his smile, the wolf spoke to her, and for the time being she ignored him. Instead the deep grey pup carefully drew her body a step back and then another, placing a bit more of the greenery between them so she did not feel his gaze upon her so strongly. Only then did she begin to react a little more readily, her limbs quaking as she suddenly realized she had been found out and likely had no way of getting back to her family without him knowing of her departure. What a wonderful predicament she had put herself in! If only Ashelia had been there, or even Cador. Another mind to work out a plan of escape would have been very helpful.

It took the mention of her mother's name for Vaishya to take notice of the wolf again in terms of listening to what he said, confused beyond reason. How does he know Momma's name? Ever since striking out on their own, they had never run into familiar faces, never even strangers, which she was quite positive now was a product of her parents' careful planning and protection. It was as if, for the time being, they had given up all trace of their life before the challenge on Valhalla, including their friends and family. And yet...this wolf knew of Ash?

Her curiosity was piqued. As much as she would have preferred to leave, to try her hand at sneaking again to get as far as she could before she simply gave up and tore out of there at a run, a part of her wanted to know this relationship, this acquaintanceship if that was all it was, that this male had with Ashtoreth. Tentatively, her scruff lowered once again but her blue and gold eyes wide and wary, Vaishya stepped forward again, retaking the two steps she had made back and then two more, now fully visible and plainly uncomfortable because of it. "How do you know her?" she asked, her child's voice quiet and low with apprehension. No name, no relation, was given, though from the sound of it the later was already inferred. Vaishya was simply not one to give information, but to receive it.