
Will You Accept My Love Again?



7 Years
07-23-2014, 12:56 AM

Walk | Talk
| Think

She had not the slightest clue what she ought to expect of her husband. Fear had painted a picture of nightmares, in scowls and silent snarls, disdain and disappointment, that had been haunting her from the very second she had made up her mind to call for him. And, to her excessive, pessimistic mind, it seemed most likely to be the reality of things as well. How could it be possible for Bane to greet her with anything less? How could anger the likes of which she had never seen before be so easily snuffed out and cast aside like cleanly picked remains? It was too much to hope he might forgive her. She had done wrong, regardless of the fact she had done her part already to make amends, and she knew he was disappointed in her. But it was the severity of those sentiments that she could not determine, and how they might manifest themselves when, and more importantly if, he intended to answer her.

When finally she spotted him, his greying frame hurrying to answer her summons, Tahlia felt a quickening in her heart that started as relief and transformed once more into worry. He came! That in itself seemed a small victory she was ready to claim, though it was only the first of many hurdles needing to be cleared before she could feel satisfied. But another was clear, and the realization of it nearly drew a whine from her lips. He was uncertain too. There was no haughty sneer, no tall stance that spoke of justification for what had transpired between them. Instead his head was low, similar to her own, and there was worry within his single blue eye, visible across his anxious face. Somehow it gave her hope.

It was difficult for Tahlia to remain still. Her weight shifted from one forepaw to the other in nervous movements, her tail unable to decide if it was simply fidgeting or wagging. Her ears remained pinned while her head lowered further with her upper body hunching to accommodate it, a means to physically appease the anger she still saw in her husband despite it no longer being visible. It could not have gone in only three days' time. "Bane." His name was whispered on a shaken voice, her anxiety just as high, if not higher, than it had been when he had threatened her. So close. She was so close to having her answer, to him, that she hardly knew how to continue. What did she say to keep him here? To make him see worth in her again? So badly she wanted to step to him, to kiss his chin, his neck, to mold herself against his side and let him know without words that she was sorry. But would he have tolerated it?

She had not known how to continue - it was overwhelming enough simply because he answered - but words found her, tumbling out before she could manage to piece them together into more orderly, coherent thoughts. "I spoke with her. Destruction. I apologized. I felt...awful afterward, when I ran. I should never have... But she listened. She forgave me." That alone was still a miracle in and of itself. Tears collected in her eyes as she spoke it, knowing just how important this story was to the both of them, how much influence and sway it held in what her future might be. So much was riding on those words...but was it enough? Staring desperately at her husband, her life, she hoped it would be.