



5 Years
07-23-2014, 08:50 AM

After the birth of her newest litter it really wasn't the time for Novel to go attending festivals and Dutiron certainly wasn't ready to leave his mate's side either. They hadn't let that detail halt the rest of the pack's joy however and had instead encouraged the others to attend, even Novella and Frith of course whose punishments had ended. To show their faith in the pair, a decision likely encouraged almost entirely by Novel, they were in fact to two that would lead the members of Ludicael to the festival.

To be honest with so much to think about the lifting of her punishment hadn't actually been on the girl's mind though she certainly wouldn't question it now, it would surely be quite interesting to see what this festival was about, perhaps meet some other members from the different packs as well. For that reason it was certainly a shame that her parents were unable to come along though Sonnet, Envoi and Limerick were far too young to travel. Truth be told she was a little nervous about the journey herself, the signs of pregnancy now starting to show a little more, her growing stomach reminding her and making her ever so concious of the lives within her. Still she felt very uncertain about this mother stuff and certainly longed for the guidance of Novel whenever she required it. They were here now though and she ought to put such worries aside and enjoy herself.

"Everyone else is speaking to her first it seems, perhaps we should do the same." She would comment quietly to her mate, mismatched gaze looking over towards Katja, the woman certainly seemed to be the one in charge here. "Hello, I'm Novella Destruction. My parents, the Authors of Ludicael, are couldn't make it. I'd like to thank you on behalf of them." With formalities out of the way, she would move away from Katja once more, allowing others to speak with the Drottning. She would see her nephew amongst the gathering crowd, though he had apparently caught the attention of another she couldn't say she knew. She would leave them in peace though, and allow Frith to decide what they ought to do. Chances were she wouldn't stray far from his side throughout the entire festival.