
Light Em Up!


05-10-2013, 11:58 AM

Elphaba grunted, shifting her weight to sprawl out more upon the hood. With a quiet huff she lowered her maw between her forelimbs, golden eyes still catching glimpses of the young, testosterone filled male as he paced about the building. He seemed less agitated, perhaps a bit more calm, but Elphie was more than willing to rest here for a short while after he left... she was already injured, she had no desire to test the bull's metal. Speaking of the injury... she craned her head back, to lick at the wound along her flank, if nothing else she could debride it. She knew a few herbs she could use to stuff it should infection begin to take root, but hopefully the thing would clot, leave a new scar and she would go about her merry way, she hated fiddling with herbs, the potency of the smell left her feeling nauseous. Satisfied, she reclined back, a deep breath being inhaled and then expired.

His words reached her audits and slowly but surely, despite the seriousness of which it was spoken, a smile drifted across her maw, followed by a soft, almost inaudible laugh. She hadn't laughed since she had been with Glinda last. "Ah... well yes, I do prefer my pads upon the ground, an ornament would not suffice for me." Came the dry response, Her tail folding to drape just beneath the wound, she wrinkled her nose at the blood that tarnished her fur. She needed a bath.

She was snapped from her thoughts as his heavy laugh, ears careening backwards to absorb the noise, she found it mildly contagious and allowed her own to follow suit, her laugh was deep, a soothing rumble of a noise, soft but genuine. When the King laughed he held nothing back, allowed it to rumble through his entire body. She had never seen him seem so carefree... then again look at all the obstacles the poor brute had recently faced. It was a wonder he could still laugh at all. Elphaba understood heartache, to a point. She regretted the loss of Glinda, but she had never experienced the warm fuzzies one was supposed to obtain from a parent... and a lover? Forget it. She had been raped, but she imagined being loved was something entirely different. She ached the loss of Glinda, she could scarcely imagine the pain of losing a mate, but regardless it was nice to see him smile... granted she wouldn't be lining up to get impaled again to see it, but perhaps it's just what he needed, a distraction, something to occupy his mind.

She hummed, listening as he spoke of the beasts. Head cocking slightly to the left as she contemplated its movements. It paced erratically and even when it chased them its movements seemed to have no plot, no plan, just sporadic and random. "This is probably not my place... but his movements, even now are sporadic, random, there is no method to wear he lays his hooves, he is only occupied with the goal of impalement. Perhaps if you got enough of us together we could disorient him with so many voices, nip at his calves, chomping at his legs...just enough to make him uneasy about charging down one of the packs own. " She doubted the creature was stupid, just filled with a bit too much testosterone. It would be foolish to bring him back down. Her ears careened forward, listening for the things angered footfalls, only to be met with nothing, perhaps the thing had finally grown bored. Elphaba was content waiting a few extra moments.

Her audits swiveled backwards as he questioned her injury, she glanced down at the appendage, it wasn't bleeding anymore, that was a plus. "It will smart for a few days, but it's nothing I can't handle. It will heal in time mingling with the rest of the scars... don't fret over me your Grace. I'll be fine. "
