
Kaala's Pawsteps

Gargoyle I


05-10-2013, 12:20 PM


The she-wolf had an odd way of speaking, but Gargoyle understood her well enough. And the explanation she gave was a sad one. Treatment like that, boiled his blood. Gargoyle was no stranger to the darker side of wolves. He'd seen the worst that the lupine kingdom had to offer... but unlike most of the others who'd also walked in those shades, he'd also seen the best. He knew, from an early age, what family was supposed to be: Loving. Patient. Supporting. Every pup comes into the world with no choice but to trust it's parents; no desire but to be loved by them.

To cast one out on their own, unready for the world...

Gargoyle shook his head. "I'm sorry," he murmured. "I know something, of the dangers of being alone at a young age." He moved on, speaking with his eyes on the ever changing ground before him. "I was on my own when I was a yearling." He narrowed his eyes, ears pinning at the memory. "I... I was not kicked out, however... I was-" he stopped off and shook his head. It wasn't wise for him to dwell on the past. Not wise at all. "Suffice to say - we all have our hard ships to overcome if we can." He flicked his tattered ear in her direction. "You see to have done well enough for yourself though."


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~